
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Before & Afters and Blow Money Magic

Do you ever have those days when you just want to see some quick results, and you don't care how you get them?  Today is one of those for me.  I was working downstairs in a tizzy not because I'm in a hurry, but because I just want to get something done!!  I finished for now downstairs, and because I can't seem to sit still, I got busy on a post--an "instant gratification" update post.  Meaning I'm going to show you a little bunch of things that won't require you--or me--to think!  Hooray!

Actually my brain is a little fried.  Last night we went over to "Family H's" (remember them?  They gave me the Striped Bench and Antique Wood Box, just because they're awesome.  And they think they're giving me junk! HA!), because they were burning a big pile of...big timbers...and we were up late making sure nothing else caught on fire.  Actually Joe & "A" were up late.  I went to bed, because I'm a diva.

Anyway, as promised, here are a few little stories and pictures to update you on my awesome recent projects and finds.

Up first, this little rocking horse that I bought for CHEEEP!

Too bad I've outgrown rocking horses.  Mostly.
Next up, my tomato seedlings are up!!  They're mostly normal, except one.  You'll see "pinky" in the second picture.  Any ideas what's wrong with him?
Joe thinks it might be an albino plant.  All you master gardeners who read my blog, please enlighten me.  

And next is a set of chairs that I saw and thought "Those are SO freaking COOL!"  Actually, I had a whole different direction in my head for how to redo them, but in an effort to keep them more marketable to my client base, I went with plan "B." 
 "B" for boring, maybe, but they're still cool.
Wanna hear about my plan "A"?  It was awesome.  "A" for Awesome.  I found this light lavender fabric that had two different sheens, forming a zebra stripe pattern.  And it was shiny!   So imagine these chairs painted white, with a small silver band around each opening in the chair back.  Then throw on the shiny lavender zebra stripe fabric and WHAM!  You have a super-sleek and girly set of chairs that will knock the socks off of all your friends.  Seriously, it would have been epic.  But, a girl's gotta make a little money sometimes.
Part of me wishes I had just stuck it to the man and done it the way I wanted.
That's my little evil twin.
I got her from my Mom.

Oh, and here are the pheasants who live and do unspeakable things in our yard:
Ooh, that was exciting.  ish.  Not really.


This month, I had $20 of blow money.  Blow money is just that--I can buy whatever unnecessary junk I want with it and no one can tell me "NO!"  ha!

I had bought a couple of plastic containers to repot my amaryllis, and a board for a project that I cannot yet talk about.  Then I was in a mall and took a survey that they paid me $7 to take.  After all that, I had enough money in my blow money (well, I had to cheat and use $1 in quarters--but those don't count), to buy THESE:
Yes, I realize they need a little love.  And they'll get it when I get some time.

And now I'm dreaming of a bank of 1920's-1930's theatre seats in an entryway.
"You need to put on your shoes?  No problem!  Have a seat in our AWESOME THEATRE SEATS!"
And I just looked some pictures up so you can dream with me:
Via Apartment Therapy
Via Design*Sponge
This is going to be so cool.

Now to just have an entryway...

~The Doodle Bug

I'm usually partyin' at these hangouts:

Friday Feature @ Redoux
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Furniture Feature Friday @ Miss Mustard Seed
Show & Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Flaunt it Friday @ Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
Frugal Friday @ The Shabby Nest
Simply Creations Link Party @ Simple Home. Life
It's a Hodgepodge Friday @ It's a Hodgepodge Life
Spotlight Saturday @ Classy Clutter
Trash 2 Treasure Tuesday @ Kammy's Korner

DIY Club


  1. hmmm.... I wondered where that evil twin went!

  2. AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! That's just what I would say if I found something like that, too!!!!
    I don't know where you are (just found your blog at Redoux party) but here in Canada (Vancouver) everything is so expensive... I really have to go on treasure hunt trips!!!
    I can't wait to see how you can fix it!

  3. those chairs will be so cool!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I LOVE those chairs. "All Things Home" has some in her entry that I drool over--but I don't have an entry either ;-(

  5. Two things....I'm thinking you should've gone with plan "A"!!!! I can see them that way in my mind and they would've rocked. They still look awesome. And way to score on the theatre seats!!! I've seen a few here and there but always way out of my price range...

  6. I love the theater seats! My hubby wants us to get some of them, but we don't have room for them. If I had a nice entry way that would be neat to have them there or in a mud room. Yay for your tomatoes! I have some onion plants and pea plants sprouting! I am your newest follower. Hope you can visit me sometime too :)

  7. I'm on the bandwagon too - love the theater seats!! Stopped by from Redoux.

  8. Great projects. I especially love the look of the chair. Has wonderful lines.

  9. Oh, I LOVE those theater seats!!! Great find.

  10. Great work. I especially love those tall chairs with the interesting backs.

  11. LOVE the theater seats, you scored bigtime! I actually found a set of 3 many years ago at a fleat market for some crazy price like 8 bucks. Had them painted and on our covered deck. They lasted quite awhile considering the weather (we were still living back home in PA). But dang, if only I'd been smart like you and kept them inside.....! Can't wait to see what you do with yours!

    CyndyB in NE Texas


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