

I'm Becky, The Doodle Bug, and this blog is my little hobby.  My goal is to help you with your projects, give you tips and advice, and show you some of the things that trip my trigger!  That being said, if you have any questions, please feel free to ask away.

If you don't have a blog but have a project that you love, I would love to see it and perhaps share it with my lovely readers!  If you have a project you would like to share, please use the "contact" tab and let me know.

A Little Bit About Me
I am married to a wonderful man, Joe, who is the best husband.  Ever.
Don't argue with me, it's my blog and comments are disabled on this page :)
I also have probably the cutest dog ever.
And for sure I have a wonderful Savior and am saved by His never-ending grace.

Why "Doodle Bug"?
The name for this blog came from my childhood nickname.  My parents always called (and sometimes still do call) me "Doodle Bug" or "Doodle."  I think because I was and am so slow at things.  Especially getting ready in the morning.  And leaving on time.
Details, details.

Most of my painting knowledge has been gleaned from my time as a Scenic Artist in theatre.  I painted sets for two years professionally and trained under some wonderful people before and during that time.  I learned to paint quickly and to improvise with different products and tools to keep costs down and be time efficient.  So if you are reading through my posts, you might realize that I "cheat" a lot.  Yes, I do. But you have to know the rules before you break them, otherwise you might break the wrong ones :)

About two years ago, I took a community college class in upholstery, and that is where I learned most of my upholstery skills.  The rest I have just learned along the way.

Why I Blog
I write this blog because I love it.  I enjoy sharing some tips and hearing back from lovely readers like you, and I peruse blogland and Pinterest looking for great projects others have dreamed up!

My Little Life
I love to cook, create and spend time with my husband and puppy.  On weekends we're usually doing home projects.  Joe is a hobbyist woodworker who does great work.  You'll see his genius popping up around here :)  And other than that I lead a pretty boring, but very blessed life.  Great family.  Great friends.

I'm so happy you've found my little blog.  I hope that you find some helpful hints and ideas while you're here!

~The Doodle Bug